Abba's House

Service Times

Hixson Campus

Sundays at 10:30am

Online Campus

Sundays at 10:30am, 6:00pm

See What A Service Looks Like

Meet Our Pastors

Dr. Ronnie Phillips, Jr. is the Lead Pastor of Abba's House. He is committed to leading people to find grace, freedom and purpose.

Ronnie Phillips, Jr.

Lead Pastor

Bill is Executive Pastor, overseeing all areas of ministry.

Bill Marion

Executive Pastor

Angie oversees Discipleship, Small Groups, Spiritual Life, Guest Assimilation, Freedom Ministry and Altar Ministry.

Angie McGregor

Pastor of Adult Ministries

Theresa heads up Celebrate Recovery, our Clothes Closet, and Food Pantry. She also connects AH with community resources to best serve our neighbors.

Theresa Biggs

Pastor of Outreach & Community Liaison

Samantha oversees all middle and high school students.

Samantha Steinmann

Youth Pastor

Jessica oversees all preschool and elementary kids.

Jessica Lusk

Pastor of Kids Min

Pastor Arcadio leads our Spanish-speaking church.

Arcadio Gomez

Pastor of AH Español

David serves our church members as well as our online attenders.

David Blair

Online/Associate Pastor

As Pastor Emeritus, Ron now serves as an ambassador of Abba's House as he mentors young pastors and operates in an apostolic role.

Ron Phillips

Pastor Emeritus

Paulette serves as Pastor to Senior Adults and preaches and teaches as needed.

Paulette Phillips

Senior Adult Pastor

Sammy helps in counseling, missions, AH Español, and any place he is needed.

Sammy Wilson

Associate Pastor